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eCommerce TypeScript

The Moon: Next.js E-commerce template – free!

Ready to use Next.js (TypeScript) free template to create high-performance
e-commerce websites.
Free 👍. Ready to use 😎. Just clone & deploy! 🤘

Online Demo – deployed to Netlify.

About Boundless Commerce – API’s First Headless E-commerce CMS: We Provide An
Admin-Side For Store Management, Powerful API, And Ready-To-Use Checkout Area.

Getting Started

  1. Go to and create a free account (no credit card required).
  2. Go to “Control panel” -> “Settings” -> “Access tokens” and create a new one:
  1. Copy .env.example to .env
  2. Modify .env: put values for the BOUNDLESS_API_PERMANENT_TOKEN and BOUNDLESS_INSTANCE_ID, copy values from:
  1. Install dependencies: yarn install
  2. yarn dev – to start locally, then open http://localhost:3000
  3. If you want to have absolute URLs in the sitemap.xml and OpenGraph meta tags
    you need to also specify BOUNDLESS_BASE_URL.

Optional parameters

  • BOUNDLESS_BASE_URL – Base URL if you want to have absolute
    URLs in the sitemap.xml and OpenGraph meta tags.
  • BOUNDLESS_PRODUCTS_IMAGE_PROPORTION – Specify resize proportion so product images in lists have
    the same size. Possible values are: 1-1, 2-3, 3-2,4-5, 5-4, 3-4, 4-3, 16-9, 9-16.

What is included?

Fully ready E-Commerce website with a hierarchical catalog, product widgets,
filters, and marketing components like sliders and carousels.
We developed the template keeping SEO in mind: schema markup, sitemap, and
all necessary meta-tags.
Shopping cart with a nice animated widget and Fully customizable React checkout.
User friendly mobile version.

NextJS eCommerce templates – Free. Ready to use. Just clone & deploy!