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eCommerce CSS


Django ecommerce website with full-fledged backend features like mailing order to customers, printing order pdfs and managing asynchronous tasks.
The templates used in the frontend is designed by
The templates are great for learning how to build an e-commerce website.

Follow the following steps to run this in your local machine

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver

Follow the following steps to run the asynchronous task manager (Celery + RabbitMQ)

  1. Install RabbitMQ on Linux by executing the command below from the shell

    apt-get install rabbitmq
      If you&#8217;re using macOS or Windows, click <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="">here</a> to download the standalone version of RabbitMQ. </li> 
        After installing, RabbitMQ, execute the following commmand to launch RabbitMQ</p> <pre>rabbitmq-server</pre>
        Open a new shell, change directory to your project directory and start your<br /> celery worker with the following command</p> <pre>celery -A myshop worker -l info</pre>
          Note that celery has been installed when you ran &#8216;pip install -r requirements.txt&#8217; </li> 
            To monitor asynchronous tasks with Flower &#8211; a web application for monitoring<br /> celery. Open a new shell and run the following command from your project directory.</p> <pre>celery -A myshop flower</pre>
          <h2 dir="auto">
            <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" id="user-content-technologies-used" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="#technologies-used"></a>Technologies used
          <ol dir="auto">
              Weasyprint &#8211; To create pdf receipt for orders. Find implementation in<br /> of orders app (line 44 &#8211; 52).
              Celery &#8211; To handle asynchronous tasks &#8211; Example: sending order mails<br /> to customers. Find implementation in of ecommmerce folder, of orders app and line 28 of
              RabbitMQ &#8211; Used as message broker for celery
              Flower &#8211; Used to monitor Celery