🛍 Gatsby plugin for sourcing products, categories and merchant info from your Chec store.
yarn add @chec/gatsby-source-chec # npm install @chec/gatsby-source-chec
// In your gatsby-config.js plugins: [ { resolve: `@chec/gatsby-source-chec`, options: { publicKey: '...', downloadImageAssets: true, // false by default }, }, ];
{ checMerchant { id business_name } allChecCategory { nodes { name slug description created id } } allChecProduct { nodes { id name price { formatted_with_symbol } } } }
Downloading image assets
This plugin provides you the option to download product asset images, and cache them in your Gatsby project. This works great with gatsby-plugin-image
Add downloadImageAssets: true
to your plugin options.
These assets will be added as images
to the product
product: checProduct(id: { eq: $id }) { id name price { formatted_with_symbol } images { childImageSharp { gatsbyImageData } } }
⚠️ Note
This repository is no longer maintained
However, we will accept issue reports and contributions for this repository. See the contribute to the commerce community page for more information on how to contribute to our open source projects. For update-to-date APIs, please check the latest version of the API documentation.