GraphQuill’s Mock GraphQL API
This GraphQL API was created and used for testing during the development of GraphQuill. GraphQuill is a real-time GraphQL API exploration extension for VSCode.
In an effort to allow other engineers to test out GraphQuill on a mock GraphQL API, we’ve open-sourced this repo. This project uses a docker instance of PostgreSQL.
There is also a locally hosted version that uses PostgreSQL and MongoDB here.
Using this GraphQL API
Clone this repo:
git clone
Within the cloned folder, run the docker-setup script:
npm run docker-setup
After setting up the docker images, run the docker-compose script to spin up the docker images:
npm run docker-compose
To stop the docker containers, either press Ctrl + C
in the terminal or run this script in a separate terminal:
npm run docker-stop
Your GraphQL API has been setup now and seeded with data from faker. Now you can use the GraphQuill extension to view the API’s schema, send queries or mutations and receive responses, all within VS Code 😀
The Schema of this API
This API was built as the backend of an eCommerce store. Below is the GraphQL schema that describes GraphQL types, available queries and mutations.
AVAILABLE QUERIES: address (id: Int!): Address! addresses: [Address]! customer (id: Int!): Customer! customers: [Customer]! cart (customerId: Int!): Cart! order (orderId: Int!): Order! customerOrders (customerId: Int!): [Order]! product (productId: Int!): Product! products: [Product]! warehouse (warehouseId: Int!): Warehouse! warehouses: [Warehouse]! AVAILABLE MUTATIONS: createOrUpdateAddress ( customerId: Int!, address: String!, address2: String, city: String!, state: String!, zipCode: String! ): Int! addCustomer ( firstName: String!, lastName: String!, email: String!, phoneNumber: String! ): Customer! updateCustomer ( id: Int!, firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String, phoneNumber: String ): Customer! deleteCustomer (id: Int!): Int! createOrUpdateCart ( customerId: Int!, newItem: String! ): Cart! removeItemsFromCart ( customerId: Int!, itemsToRemove: String! ): Cart! deleteCart (customerId: Int!): Cart! addOrder ( customerId: Int!, products: OrderProduct! ): Int! addProduct ( name: String!, description: String!, price: Float!, weight: Float! ): Product! updateProduct ( productId: Int!, name: String, description: String, price: Float, weight: Float ): Product! deleteProduct (productId: Int!): Product! addWarehouse ( name: String!, addressId: Int! ): Warehouse! updateWarehouse ( warehouseId: Int!, name: String, id: Int ): Warehouse! deleteWarehouse (warehouseId: Int!): Warehouse! TYPES: Address id: Int!, address: String!, address2: String, city: String!, state: String!, zipCode: String! Customer id: Int!, firstName: String!, lastName: String!, email: String!, phoneNumber: String!, address: Address, cart: Cart Cart customerId: Int!, products: [String!], wishlist: [String!] Order orderId: Int!, customer: Customer, products: [Product!] Product productId: Int!, name: String!, description: String!, price: Float!, weight: Float!, productQty: Int Warehouse warehouseId: Int!, name: String!, address: Address