An eCommerce application on Angular & TailwindCSS
Ngx-storefront is an example of a modern eCommerce application built on the MEAN stack. The project consists of 3 parts:
- the Customer application artemv01/ngx-storefront
- the REST API artemv01/ngx-storefront-api
- and the Admin application artemv01/ngx-admin
This is a repository for the customer application.
Technology stack
The technology stack used for this project:
Deployed on Netlify.
Live demo
The demo can be seen here ->
What’s currently missing
The project is on its initial stage and there are still some important features that are yet to be implemented. Such as:
- Stripe integration
- Customer dashboard
- Product variations
- Custom product attributes
- Coupon system
- Some others
Unit tests are a work in progress.
Setting up development environment
This section is a work in progress.
If you are interested and have any ideas for features, please open an issue.
The Customer UI was inspired by woocommerce/storefront.
Feel free to use my code on your project. It would be great if you put a reference to this repository.