PC Hunt
PC Hunt is an eCommerce web app for PC hardware, computer parts and accessories, built with MERN stack.
Link (use Google Chrome!):
Valid Payment Methods
The Braintree sandbox only accepts specific test values. To create a successful transaction, be sure to use one of the following test cases:
Credit Card:
- Card number: 4111 1111 1111 1111 (visa) / 5555 5555 5555 4444 (Mastercard) / 378 2822 4631 0005 (American Express)
- Expiry: any date as long as it is in the future.
- CVV: 400
- Email: john.doe@pchunt.co
- password: 12345678
Transaction total amount must be in following ranges in order for it to be settled:
- 0.01 – 1999.99
- 3001.00 – 4000.99
- 5002.00 and up
Seller Account
To explore the features of a seller account use the following credentials:
- email: asus@pchunt.co
- password: Password_1234
However, in order to keep the project demo clean, this admin account is prohibited from making actual changes. You can still make changes using some of the basic features, but it is recommended to create your own account to test those features fully.
Google OAuth is in sandbox mode, and the allowed user cap is 100. If you find yourself unable to login with google, this means the limit has been reached.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.