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eCommerce CSS


This is a E-commerce Management System built on top of PHP, HTML, CSS, JS , Bootstrap and Jquery.

Live Demo:

visit –
The Project is basically divided into two views – admin and user.

Admin can perform the following actions:

  1. Can Login.
  2. Create/delete/edit products.
  3. View orders/users/products.
  4. View issue tickets.

Users can perform the following actions:

  1. View Products.
  2. Add/Delete products from cart.
  3. Place orders.
  4. Can Login or signup.
  5. View order history.
  6. Raise Issue tickets.

Steps to setup project on your local machine or Server

  1. First clone the Repository.
  2. Move the project folder (i.e php-ecommerce folder) to server root directory. In most cases it would be www, public_html or htdocs.
  3. Create a database. And import the ‘ecart_db.sql’ file present in ‘./database/’ folder in the project directory.
  4. Open the config.php file in project root directory. And update the $db_name, $db_username, $db_password variables accordingly.
  5. That’s all everything’s ready now. Start your local server and open the url ‘localhost/php-ecommerce’ or type your domain in case you are on a server.


Admin :
username: admin ; password: admin
email: ; pass: 1234