Welcome to MERN Ecommerce 👋
A fullstack MERN ecommerce application with Typescript. ✨ Demo
(Please bear in mind that the site will take a while to load since it’s deployed on Render free tier, but it will load, just give it some time 😉) Current Features Backend API Rest, on back folder, made with Node, Typescript, Express and Mongo, although the product routes are made to work with MySql, Sqlite, Firebase, file system and memory persistences as well (hope to implement full functionality with all persistences in the future) Passport local and express session with mongo store for authentication Express fileupload and cloudinary for images upload when creating and editing a product and when creating an user Jest and supertest for testing (only products routes tests available for now) Validation with Joi for user signup (pending implementation on product creation) Nodemailer and Twilio for sending emails, SMS and whatsapp messages Server can run on cluster mode for better performance Basic performance testing with Artillery Documentation made with Swagger Chat implementation with socket.