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eCommerce TypeScript
Welcome to Stonekart Stone companies and freelance stonemasons sell their products directly to the consumer that is the offline instore method. Stonekart provides the solution for buying these exclusive products in a few clicks.
eCommerce TypeScript
Frontend Mentor – Audiophile e-commerce website solution This is a solution to the Audiophile e-commerce website challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
eCommerce JavaScript
WooCommerce Next An example app to learn Next.js with React Hooks. I’m using a WooCommerce Backend to fetch data. Progress List all products in the home page Single product page Routing with express for dev Routing for now (serverless) TODO Cart management Checkout Payment integration Getting started with Next.
eCommerce TypeScript
cielo Client para a API 3.0 da Cielo em Typescript/Nodejs Índice Início Instalação Como Utilizar Paramêtros de criação Cartão de Crédito Criando uma transação simples Criando uma transação completa Criando uma venda com Autenticação Criando uma venda com Análise de Fraude Criando uma venda com Card Token Capturando uma venda Cancelando uma venda Cartão de Débito
eCommerce JavaScript
django-theatre-ticket-booking Django based web app which implements ticket booking for multiple screen theatre(s). Working Screenshots Overview Authentication Booking Installation Pre-requisites: To install following dependencies: django crispy-forms allauth stripe Use:
eCommerce JavaScript
Cezerin Dashboard – Store Dashboard PWA App for Cezerin – React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Allows creating a Progressive Web Apps.
eCommerce JavaScript
AquilaCMS The Open Source, 100% JavaScript and “all in one” ecommerce solution. AquilaCMS is : An open-source e-commerce web application A 100% JavaScript solution with MERN Stack A mutli-themes website : Front-end can be used with ReactJS and NextJS (for polymorphism) or any other JS technology (VueJS, Angular, etc) A complete back office to manage everything in your website A plateform to add modules and themes from Aquila’s Shop Server configuration To install the latest AquilaCMS, you need :
eCommerce TypeScript
ChannelApe SDK TypeScript and JavaScript SDK for the ChannelApe REST API Features Getting Started Errors Sessions Actions Channels Suppliers Orders Variants Businesses API Accounts Subscriptions Order Activities Analytics Product Filters Users Inventories
eCommerce JavaScript
Hubaga A WordPress eCommerce plugin for developers. It is lightweight and simple to use. Looking for a premium for wordPress search plugin? Check out and in doing so you will also be supporting Hubaga.
eCommerce TypeScript
React-admin Demo This is a demo of the react-admin library for React.js. It creates a working administration for a fake Product shop named Web2Mobile. You can test it online at https://marmelab.
eCommerce TypeScript
Getting Started After download this project, you can run yarn init or npm init Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: yarn dev:server To init the server and the app in the development mode.
eCommerce JavaScript
Cezerin – Ecommerce Progressive Web Apps Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Allows creating a Progressive Web Apps. Built with: Node.js v8.9 React v16 Redux Express Babel WebPack 4 MongoDB Dashboard Client-side dashboard use JSON Web Token (JWT) to access REST API.
eCommerce TypeScript
Angular-10 – ShoppingCart + MDBootstrap + Firebase (Realtime Database) + i18n Developing a ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) Application using Angular-10. Live Demo : Angular-shopping-cart This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.
eCommerce JavaScript
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: yarn start Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
eCommerce TypeScript
Evansgray Evansgray is an e-commerce app built in Angular and implements the following : Node.js in Express Cloud Firestore Firebase SDK Firebase Cloud Functions Sendgrid API Stripe Payment API Sass Angular Material Typescript NPM: nodemon, angularfire, concurrently, dotenv, express, rxjs Breakdown Authentication Service Users are authenticated and managed in Firebase.
eCommerce CSS
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
eCommerce TypeScript
MWA eCommerce Project Contributors: Murad Hajiyev Nurlan Kustutinov Joe Sleiman Amin Abdullozoda Project Folder Structure Installation The easiest way to configure development environment and run the application is to use Docker.
eCommerce JavaScript
Vanilla JavaScript Ecommerce Vanilla JavaScript Ecommerce is a project I developed with Vanilla JavaScript to improve my JavaScript skills. It is created by taking mobile-first design into consideration. BEM methodology is used as the CSS naming method.
eCommerce JavaScript
⚠️ This project is deprecated. Please use Alpaca 2.0 instead. Introduction Components library of Alpaca design system created to speed up the process of working with design on Magento 2 stores, by creating each UI element, module, and view in a simplified, front-end developer friendly, environment.
eCommerce JavaScript
Ionic-Ecommerce ##About Ionic-Ecommerce is a project using the Ionic Framework and AngularJS to make a mobile frontend to an ecommerce store. It can be deployed as a mobile site for an ecommerce store, or built into native iOS and Android apps which will access the products, account, login, logout, cart, and checkout functions of the ecommerce site.