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eCommerce TypeScript

MWA eCommerce Project

  • Murad Hajiyev
  • Nurlan Kustutinov
  • Joe Sleiman
  • Amin Abdullozoda

Project Folder Structure


The easiest way to configure development environment and run the application is to use Docker. Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

Docker configuration

After installing docker desktop in your machine, you just need to clone the project and go to the project folder from terminal or command prompt.
Run the command docker-compose up. All containers will be run automatically. You can access angular from localhost:4200 and express from localhost:3000 and mongo from localhost:27017.
There is also an extra container mongo-seeder that helps to load seed data before run application.
Make sure that inside the angular proxy file, express(this is docker container) is written instead of localhost.

To solve CORS problem, angular’s default reverse-proxy feature is used.
And make sure that inside express-server/config.json file, connection string is same like below:
"connectionString": "mongodb://mongodb/ecommerce"

  1. Express
  2. Angular
  3. Mongodb
  4. Mongoseeder

Manual Installation


There are seed data inside express-server/seeds folder. You can take all Json files and import to local mongo database manually.


And make sure that inside express-server/config.json file, connection string is same like below:
"connectionString": "mongodb://localhost/ecommerce"


Make sure you run application using npm start command, not ng serve