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eCommerce CSS

Django E-Commerce Website

This is an e-commerce website built with Django 3.0 (Python) for the backend and
a bootstrap version Olog eCommerce Responsive HTML Template designed with HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Javascript & Jquery for the frontend,

How to Install and Run this project?


1. Create a Folder where you want to save the project
2. Clone this project

$  git clone

Then, Enter the project directory

$  cd Smart-Stima

3. Create a Virtual Environment and Activate
Create Virtual Environment

$  py -3 -m venv .venv
$  .venvScriptsactivate.bat
$  code .

Activate Virtual Environment

$  .venvScriptsActivate.ps1

5. Install Dependencies from ‘requirements.txt’

$  pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Create a .env file

  • Got to the Stima folder and create a file called .env
  • add the following
  • A new SECRET_KEY can be generated here
SECRET_KEY='your new secret key'

  • For this you can use any smtp service you’d like, i used gmail smtp
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='your password'
EMAIL_FROM='your email'
EMAIL_HOST_USER='your email'

  • Create an account on google console here,create a project
SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET='your google console app secret key'
SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY='your google console id'

  • Go to developers facebook click on My Apps and then Create App (If new click on Get Started and create your developer account). Fill in the app name and contact email and click on Create App ID.
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY='your facebook developer client id'
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET='your facebook developer key'

SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_KEY='your twitter developer id' 
SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_SECRET='your twitter developer key'

8. Make migratations

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

9. Now Run Server

$ python runserver

10. Superuser Credentials
Create Super User for Admin Privileges

$  python createsuperuser

Then Add Email, Username, Firstname, Lastname, and Password

Running the tests

Automated tests can be viewed in the tests folder within the separate Apps.
To run the tests, in your terminal navigate to the folder with your project in, activate your virtual environment and type:
$ python test <app name>

Project Screenshots

landing page
featured products