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eCommerce CSS


This is a demo of a Java Spring Boot + SvelteJS fullstack e-commerce store with added mobile responsive layout

Video Demo

Try the gf-ecommerce-store online via this link:

Backend server is not dedicated yet, might turn it on or off. You can email me at so I can spin-up an ‘ngrok’ https instance for you. Or, you could just clone this repo and run it all in your machine.
A full-fledge version would have the Spring Boot + MyBatis + SQL backend running on the cloud like Heroku or GCP
instead of localhost.


in this repo for the Java Spring Boot backend code.

Powered by these Techstack:



List of existing URI endpoints:

All REST API endpoints can be found in the class of this repo:

- Create a new basket
   ```POST localhost:8085/newBasket```
- Fetch all your items inside your basket
    ```GET localhost:8085/fetchAllItemObjects/{basketId}```
- Add a new item inside your basket
    ```POST localhost:8085/newItem```
- Delete an item form you basket
     ```DELETE localhost:8085/deleteItem/{basketId}/{itemID}```
- Fetch current/last user
    ```GET localhost:8085/getLastUser```

SQL Scripts

To use the entities in this application, make sure you also create your database tables in MYSQL. Execute the scripts found in:

How to run this repo on your local machine

Start Front-end
  1. Git clone:
  2. CD inside folder and Install NPM:
    “`npm install”’
  3. executue npm run dev
Start Back-end
1. Import as Maven Project

2. Enter your MySQL username and password as well as specify your schema name in

3. Run as Spring Boot application in

Work In Progress:

I will be adding a payment API like Paypal or Stripe soon.