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eCommerce TypeScript
MiscAvatars A simple ecommerce store built to practice the Context API. Tech Stack React ReactJS for handling UI changes React Context API This was used for managing state across the application
eCommerce TypeScript
dede_es3c This project is a basic example of website using React with Typescript and an endpoint using NodeJS with express. Quick start guide In case you already have node.js and npm, make sure you update them before attempting to build the images
eCommerce TypeScript
Live eCommerce – Front-end test Esse repositório contém dois testes de front-end. data-store: crie um algoritmo que faça extração de item de um determinado “data store” api-consumer: utilize sua stack preferida de front-end para construir um consumidor de uma api específica Testes Cada um dos testes possui um diretório nesse repositório – data-store e api-consumer.
eCommerce TypeScript
Angular Ecommerce Web App I made this project to learn and understand the basics of both Angular and MySQL. It was not fun at first but once I got the hang of it it was quite pleasant.
eCommerce TypeScript
ECOMMERCE ANGULAR APP Description This repository is a Software of Application with Angular. Installation Using Angular 10 preferably. REST API (example) Usage $ git clone [NAME APP] $ yarn install $ ng serve Follow the following steps and you’re good to go!
eCommerce TypeScript
Saleor SDK This package contains methods providing Saleor business logic for a storefront and apps. It handles Saleor GraphQL queries and mutations, manages Apollo cache, and provides an internal state to manage popular storefront use cases, like user authentication.
eCommerce TypeScript
Created Using Typescript and Reactjs This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: Used Yarn instead of npm Runs the app in the development mode.
eCommerce TypeScript
Flipcart This project was generated with Angular CLI version 11.2.12. Development server Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
eCommerce TypeScript
Vue Storefront 2 Vue Storefront is the most popular and most advanced Frontend Platform for eCommerce Documentation Demo Installation Supported platforms commercetools Shopify Magento 2 [Beta] Salesforce Commerce Cloud [Beta] Spryker [Beta] Vendure [Beta] Odoo [Beta] Spree [Beta] Learn more about available integrations
eCommerce TypeScript
medusa-extender Full documentation website Medusa on steroid, take your medusa project to the next level with some badass features 🚀 The extender provides an out-of-the-box application architecture which allows developers and teams to create highly testable, scalable, loosely coupled, and easily maintainable applications.
eCommerce TypeScript
Eshop template Server : Nest.js with Express and MongoDB (Mongoose) Client : Angular (Server-side rendering) Description Eshop with products and administration Typescript stack with decorators, use MongoDB and mongoose schemas, JWT Passport Theming with css variables Test it smrtic.
eCommerce TypeScript
Welcome to Amazin’ Amazim Store A React Amazon (& Netflix & …) Clone Project What is Storybook? Storybook is a tool for UI development. It makes development faster and easier by isolating components.
eCommerce TypeScript
Description Headless ecommerce micorservice build on top of nestjs Stack It has GraphQL modules, DB using TypeORM as seen on Cqrs parttern Keycloak authentication GRPC Nestcloud https://github.
eCommerce TypeScript
Headless product discovery, for every body With Klevu’s brand new SDK, you can pull the power of AI product discovery into anything. A traditional website, a single page application (SPA), progressive web app (PWA), a mobile app, a campaign website, an in-store kiosk, a spaceship… whatever.