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eCommerce TypeScript
PickBazar Documentation Introduction Fastest E-commerce template built with React, NextJS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Type-GraphQL & Styled-Components. Its very easy to use, we used graphql and type-graphql, you can build your schema very easily.
eCommerce TypeScript
Shopify Theme Actions A set of GitHub Actions to enable fast Shopify theme development/review workflows, options: Create & deploy a PR specific preview theme when a PR is opened/updated Remove the PR specific preview theme once the PR is closed Deploy a specified theme when a PR is opened/updated Deploy to a specified Shopify theme once commits are pushed into a branch i.
eCommerce TypeScript
Central.U-Ecommerce Este proyecto esta dirigido a la empresa Central Uniformes SL. La aplicación es para el uso interino de la empresa, que consiste en una pagina web en la que se podrá generar un pedido para un cliente y en este pedido se podrá insertar los logotipos del cliente y ubicarlos en un patrón de un articulo.
eCommerce TypeScript
Angular Ecommerce Web App I made this project to learn and understand the basics of both Angular and MySQL. It was not fun at first but once I got the hang of it it was quite pleasant.
eCommerce TypeScript
NgShoppingCart An Angular component library to create shopping carts. Based on it’s predecessor for Angular.js with tons of improvements. Features Generic and abstract services to manipulate cart items however you want Several components to add items, checkout or view a summary of the cart A component to display items arranged in a grid for your e-commerce application Easily replace the item component used to display items on the grid Any object data structure for cart items Simple module configuration Different currency formats for the whole app or a single component Internationalization support Easy styling of one or all components of the same type Support for CSS Preprocessors to customize styles with variables This library is compatible with Angular version >=5 Installation Using npm npm install ng-shopping-cart --save or yarn yarn add ng-shopping-cart Documentation Documentation is available at http://devconcept.
eCommerce TypeScript
Nx-Shopify 🔎 An Nx plugin for developing performance-first Shopify themes 🚀 Be it you need to build a custom Shopify store theme, develop a generic theme or even maintain multiple stores/themes with shared code across them, this Nx plugin helps you power-up your development experience
eCommerce TypeScript
REACT PWA Reference Storefront Overview 🚀 The Elastic Path Commerce Cloud REACT PWA Reference Storefront is a flexible e-commerce website built on Elastic Path’s RESTful e-commerce API. The storefront uses the e-commerce capabilities provided by Elastic Path Commerce Cloud and gets data in a RESTful manner.
eCommerce TypeScript
Angular Rest API 🅰️ This project was made with Angular 8, it’s a ecommerce frontend, the application is connected with spring-restapi-ecommerce through API. However, you can create your own API and use this repository as a boilerplate to build your own application.
eCommerce TypeScript
Stay connected Vue Storefront 2 integration with Magento This project is a Magento 2 integration for Vue Storefront 2. How to start if you want to try out the integration Please follow the installation guide
eCommerce TypeScript
W3Shop.eth This is a user-friendly, decentralized webshop that can be self operated, self hosted and is powered only by Blockchain technology. Access the Dapp under or https://w3shop.eth (for IPFS enabled browsers)
eCommerce TypeScript
Next.js Commerce The all-in-one starter kit for high-performance e-commerce sites. With a few clicks, Next.js developers can clone, deploy and fully customize their own store. Start right now at nextjs.
eCommerce TypeScript
MS4 Thrift-Hub An online thriftstore. An app that allows users to post second-hand goods and connect with members interested in such goods. Contents UX User Stories Wireframes Design Features
eCommerce TypeScript
Space 48 UI Components This repository contains regularly used ui components for ecommerce builds. Develop them in isolation with Storybook, test them with jest, then browse and install them into projects with bit.
eCommerce TypeScript
Buscapé Challenge ✨ Technologies This project was developed using the following technologies: React React DOM Create REACT-APP TypeScript Redux Styled-components Testing Library Jest ESLint EditorConfig 💻 Project You can preview the project clicking here.
eCommerce TypeScript
Teslo: Readme Autor: Anselmo Tomas Cuevas Ultima actualización: 2022-12-6 Contenido Objetivo Metas Background Diseño detallado Frontend Pagina de autenticacion Pagian de registro Pagina principal Pagina por Categoria Pagina de producto Pagina del carrito Pagina de direccion Pagina de resumen Pagina de orden Pago de la orden Pagina de historial de ordenes Pagina de buscado de productos Dashboards administrativos Verificar Autenticacion Verificar Administrador <li> <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="#backend">Backend</a></p> <ul dir="auto"> <li> <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="#apis-de-cliente">APIs de cliente</a> </li> <li> <a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="#apis-de-administrador">APIs de administrador</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> Estilo de la aplicacion Ejecutar en modo desarrollo Objetivo Proyecto personal de Anselmo Tomas Cuevas, creando un Ecommerce, con el fin de aprender NextJs junto con librerias extras como swr, NextAuth, MaterialUI, Cloudinary, Tailwind, Axios, etc.
eCommerce TypeScript
Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: yarn start Runs the app in the development mode.
eCommerce TypeScript
Stripe Payments In Practice This repository contains the code of the Stripe Payments In Practice Course. Installation pre-requisites IMPORTANT: Please make sure to use Node 12 (LTS – Long Term Support) for this course.
eCommerce TypeScript
Integrate a virtual mirror with e-commerce products Virtual try on apps have the full potential to become the next big thing in e-commerce. They relieve much of the stress of going into a store and physically try on different products.
eCommerce TypeScript
Commerce Layer JS Auth A JavaScript Library wrapper that helps you use the Commerce Layer API for Authentication. What is Commerce Layer? Commerce Layer is a multi-market commerce API and order management system that lets you add global shopping capabilities to any website, mobile app, chatbot, wearable, voice, or IoT device, with ease.
eCommerce TypeScript
NextJS e-commerce e-commerce PoC built with NextJS, TypeScript, ChakraUI, Zustand and Contentful API for content delivery. Run the project npm i npm start Stack used NextJS + TypeScript Zustand + hooks for state management ChakraUI for components UI Contentful API (CMS) for content delivery Assets: the images are taken from Pexels react-paginate for pagination Features Featured product: One of the products (digital images) have a flag indicating that it’s a featured artwork and is displayed above the products grid.