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eCommerce TypeScript
Meat Palace is an E-commerce Web App developed with React JS where you can buy meats of diferent types and qualities as well as other products for an amazing barbacue. You can visit the Website and see it for yourself.
eCommerce TypeScript
Next.js Commerce Demo The all-in-one starter kit for high-performance e-commerce sites. With a few clicks, Next.js developers can clone, deploy and fully customize their own store. Start right now at nextjs.
eCommerce TypeScript
my-store-api eCommerce API built with JavaScript (Express/ Node) Project Scope This project will have the following scope: Product management: Products grid form. Product entry form. Product variation form. <li> Products categories management</p> <ul dir="auto"> <li> Product category entry form.
eCommerce TypeScript
E-commerce Application Front-End The application was built using Angular 9, Bootstrap 4 and ng-boostrap. It is an Angular based front-end for the e-commerce Application called luv2shop. The Full Stack Application with Angular front-end was deployed on Google Cloud Platform, to access it, click here.
eCommerce TypeScript
Amido.Ecommerce.UI.Federated Federated Modules Production Grade boilerplate Installation Prerequisites To run this project the following package versions are required: NPM v8.x.x Node v16.14.1 (configured via .nvmrc) Installing dependencies Run npm i at the root of the Monorepo to install the required node modules and symlink all the libraries (they will also need to build).
eCommerce TypeScript
neto-api A promise based client for the Neto Ecommerce API. npm i neto-api Initialisation Before you start making calls, you will need to initialise the API like so: const { NetoAPI } = require("
eCommerce TypeScript
Food Ordering Web Application An online food ordering and delivery web platform. Users can make food orders from listed restaurants and have it delivered to their physical address. Built With ANGULAR 10 – Implementation of the Frontend user interfaces across all web platform.
eCommerce TypeScript
AngularEcomm AngularEcomm is a ecommerce platform base working with Angular 14 and Firebase Main portal Products Category products Products search Filters Shoping card Customer portal User data Edit user data/notifications Delete account Admin portal Register (Product crud: new, edit, delete) Category crud (new, edit, delete) Sales page Chat Login / Logout This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.
eCommerce TypeScript
angular-ecommerce-analytics Google Analytics Ecommerce helper with tracking events Install bower install angular-ecommerce-analytics Usage Service // add your GA.js code before this script angular.module('App', ['Analytics']).run(['$analytics', function($analytics){ // send by code $analytics.
eCommerce TypeScript
Crystallize NextJS Boilerplate The bare minimum skeleton you need to get a frontend up and running on the headless ecommerce & GraphQL based product Information Management service Crystallize. React commerce with Next.
eCommerce TypeScript
MERN stack shopping cart Intro I started working on this app a while ago when I was still learning technologies used in this project, so please be aware that
eCommerce TypeScript
Ecommerce Ecommerce web application using Angular | Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB (MEAN Stack) Objective The goal is to build a Ecommerce web application where users can buy and sell products online.
eCommerce TypeScript
ecommerce store Project Overview 🎉 You can publish here your products to sell them online. Tech/framework used 🔧 Tech Description Typescript Javascript superset language React Library for building user interfaces
eCommerce TypeScript
Example using Stripe with TypeScript and react-stripe-js This is a full-stack TypeScript example using: Frontend: Next.js and SWR react-stripe-js for Checkout and Elements Backend Next.js API routes stripe-node with TypeScript Demo Live demo: https://nextjs-typescript-react-stripe-js.
eCommerce TypeScript
Functionality The application allows you to browse the home page for products, check out each of the details of the product and add them to your cart for a later checkout.
eCommerce TypeScript
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, using the Redux and Redux Toolkit template. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: npm start Runs the app in the development mode.
eCommerce TypeScript
Stencil App Starter Stencil is a compiler for building fast web apps using Web Components. Stencil combines the best concepts of the most popular frontend frameworks into a compile-time rather than run-time tool.
eCommerce TypeScript
Vue Storefront Next VirtoCommerce Integration Disclaimer: This project is still in beta phase. Documentation (WIP) Demo (WIP) This repository is a monorepo containing three projects: api-client – communicates with a backend; composables – exposes composable functions used to retrieve data using api-client and to map them to universal data formats using getters; theme – nuxt project that glues everything together.
eCommerce TypeScript
EcommerceWithAngular E-commerce Site using Angular 8 & Firebase. Features Single Sign On with Gmail Admin Section for Product Management like view, add, edit, delete the products Categorized Product Section with fast searching option Adding Products to Cart & editing cart item of specific product from the product cards Check-out option with proper billing and shipping information Real-time database reflects the changes in every tab without refreshing it This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.
eCommerce TypeScript
Desafio do curso dio de Angular 🌎 🌌 Repositório publicado para upar o desafio Dio. Autor Giovane ines 👋 Oi, eu sou @Contagiovaneines Entre em contato! Indice Sobre Tecnologias Utilizadas Configuração de desenvolvimento Como baixar o projeto Utilitários Como baixar o projeto 🔖 Sobre O projeto e-commerce é um e-commerce que foi criado dentro do curso Bootcamp Santander Dio com o intuito de colocarmos em prática todo conteúdo estudado durante o curso.